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NIT Manipur Ph.D Program Admission 2020 | Ph.D Program Admission Apply Online & Eligibilities

NIT Manipur Ph.D Program Admission 2020 | Ph.D Program Admission Apply Online & Eligibilities

NIT Manipur Ph.D Program Admission 2020: National Institute of Technology (NIT), Manipur has invited online application for admission into Ph.D Programme for January Academic Semester 2020.
NIT Manipur Ph.D Program Admission 2020:
1. PhD Programme
Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering (ME); Electrical Engineering (EE); Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ECE); Civil Engineering (CE); Physics; Chemistry; Humanities and Social Sciences
Eligibility: The candidates for Ph.D. Programme may be offered admission, based on certain minimum academic requirements to be satisfied by the candidates as given below:
Engineering and Technology: Master Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in an appropriate area with a minimum CPI equivalent to 60% of marks as per conversion formula prescribed by the University/Institute. OR Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Technology or MSc/MCA (wherever applicable) in related areas with an excellent academic record, with a CPI equivalent to 70% of marks as per conversion formula prescribed by the University/Institute with valid GATE score.
Selection Process: Selection will be based Written Test/Interview. NET/GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the written examination.
Last Date: 31st December 2019
How to Apply: Application forms can be downloaded from the website Application fee of Rs. 500/- (General and OBC) and Rs. 250/- (SC and ST) is payable through Demand Draft in favour of Director, NIT Manipur, payable at Bank of Baroda, NIT Manipur branch. Application form complete in all respects should reach the following address on or before 31-12-2019 by superscribing “Application for admission into PhD programme under………….Discipline”, on the envelope.
Contact Details:
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Manipur,
Langol, Imphal – 795004, Manipur, India,
Telephone: 0385 2058566,
For more about NIT Manipur Ph.D Program Admission 2020: Visit Here

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