NBT Certificate Course in Book Publishing Admission 2020 Application Form & Eligibility

NBT Certificate Course in Book Publishing Admission 2020: National Book Trust (NBT) in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, Manipur University, Imphal has invited online application for admission to job-oriented Certificate Course in Book Publishing. Application form along with Demand draft of Rs 2000/- can be submitted till February 7, 2020.
NBT Certificate Course in Book Publishing Admission 2020:
1. Certificate Course in Book Publishing
Eligibility: The course is open to young graduates and post graduates who are directly or indirectly related to the publishing industry and are inclined to learn more about it and to new entrants in publishing who may wish to gain an overall view of the profession where a bright future awaits them.
Eligibility: The course is open to young graduates and post graduates who are directly or indirectly related to the publishing industry and are inclined to learn more about it and to new entrants in publishing who may wish to gain an overall view of the profession where a bright future awaits them.
Selection Process: Admission will be made on a first come first serve basis.
Course Fee: The course fee would be Rs. 2000/ (including GST) per participant and course fee to be deposited at Prof. Kh. Tomba Singh, Head, Department of Commerce, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003 through DD in favour of National Book Trust, India, Payable at New Delhi.
Last Date: 07th February 2020
Publishing being conducted by it during: 10th to 22nd February 2020
Venue: Seminar Hall, Department of Commerce, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003
Publishing being conducted by it during: 10th to 22nd February 2020
Venue: Seminar Hall, Department of Commerce, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003
How to Apply: Application forms can be downloaded from website www.nbtindia.gov.in or www.manipuruniv.ac.in. Duly filled-in forms along with the fee can be deposited at Prof. Kh. Tomba Singh, Head, Department of Commerce, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003 through DD in favour of National Book Trust, India, Payable at New Delhi.
Contact Details:
National Book Trust (NBT)
NBT India, 5, Institutional Area, Phase II, New Delhi–110070,
Phone: 011-26707783, 011-26707843, 011-26707728
National Book Trust (NBT)
NBT India, 5, Institutional Area, Phase II, New Delhi–110070,
Phone: 011-26707783, 011-26707843, 011-26707728
For more about NBT Certificate Course in Book Publishing Admission 2020: Visit Here www.nbtindia.gov.in
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